Every season Full Service Aquatics handles lots of koi pond water garden projects. Our latest koi pond water garden project in Princeton, NJ took place in January which is an unusual time of year for these projects in New Jersey, but with a rare stretch of warm weather during this time the FSA team took… Read more »
Seasonal changes can represent challenges for many koi pond and water garden owners. Some pond owners may even have to deal with drastic changes for each season. Sub-zero brutal winter temperatures thawing into the soaking rains of Spring time. Spring time very quickly transforms into a Summer of heat waves, drought, and soaring temperatures. And… Read more »
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Its 2013, the New Year is actually upon us and already rolling along! As we all “de-holidify” and return to our normal routines; many of us think it’s a good time to make changes and resolutions. I like the chance for a resolution because it seems that there is always something in… Read more »
“People who claim they do not let the little things bother them, have never slept in a room with one mosquito.” “What’s the New Jersey state bird?” …the mosquito. “The best blood at sometime will get into a fool, or a mosquito.” “There are only 2 of God’s creations I don’t understand, poison ivy and… Read more »
Could water gardens be the ultimate and most influential form of art ever created? Follow me back… Worlds Fair Paris, France 1889, the Exposition Universelle du 1889. 100 years after the French Revolution the world was changing, and at this very moment Paris was the center of it all.
The lotus flower, Nelumbo nucifera. The relationships that are sometimes developed between man and plant can be very fascinating. This definitely holds true for the lotus flower. The lotus flower and human connection goes back well beyond 1000 years, and crosses numerous cultural and geographical boundaries even from ancient times. The lotus is even revered… Read more »
The Golden Orfe, or Ide, is a somewhat overlooked choice as a fish to stock your pond and water garden with these days; yet the Orfe is an easy to find and affordable pond and water garden fish. Most pond fish dealers stock the Golden Orfe because they know about its hardiness, interesting behavior, and… Read more »
These days there is a huge amount of emphasis put onto our carbon footprint and how we can make changes in our lives and communities to lower that environmental impact, and it seems most of us are actually making changes to our lives to reduce our carbon footprint. A greatly overlooked footprint we all contribute… Read more »
I’ll deny I said this, but I want to turn your pond green. As I try to continually steer Full Service Aquatics towards becoming “greener” in our practices and products I sometimes feel like that goal gets a bit farther away with every step forward, but in a good way.
At 6:30 this morning eastern time, I was splashing a bit of 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee, looking out my kitchen window at my pond as I do every morning, I must have been looking at it for a good10-15 seconds before I noticed that right before my eyes, standing on one of my… Read more »