Having a natural pond on your property can be a tremendous asset to your property. A pond can enhance your living conditions and add beauty to your property, and a healthy pond can add value to your real estate….a healthy pond that is. One of the very basic elements of a healthy pond is a… Read more »
Spitters and fountains are ancient ways of artistic expression using water. The Romans are very famous for the use of fountains and spitters in their water works. The “Brussels Boy ‘spitter’” of a young boy urinating is a cultural icon, now found gracing ponds around the world. Today spitters are still a great way to… Read more »
Many who keep koi follow a similar path. Most first become introduced to koi by chance, casually; perhaps at a backyard party of an acquaintance or at a public garden. Then, knowing nothing about koi except that they stirred you somehow; a relationship begins.
Have I told you happy New Year yet? Well, if not, happy New Year! I should tell you now before it gets to that point where it is too late to wish this. Have I told you that I appreciate you? Well, if not, I do; and if you’re reading this New Year message I… Read more »
Not all pond pumps are created equal, and not all water pumps can be used for ponds. Filtration is key in the performance of your pond’s filtration system and at the heart of every pond filter system is a pump.
“The world’s most expensive water bowl”. Sometimes that is how my pond seems to me. I have on many occasions watched my cat Pippin interact with my pond.
Even “In The Beginning” there was water. Water and humanity have shared a special relationship from the earliest memories of time, and this relationship will continue till death do we part. Man has sought to capture, control, manipulate, exploit, and even amuse himself with water since even the most primitive civilization first came into existence.
As an owner of 2 seasonal businesses I do not get a lot of time off, so family time to me is pretty important and I take it where I can get it. I even look at house cleaning as a family time opportunity; and based on the faces of my 2 girls when it… Read more »
Every now and then we all come across a new buzzword. Well, in my industry and in several others as well one of the latest “buzzes” is the staycation. Maybe you’ve heard of this latest trend with homeowners.
When I first got involved with ponds I don’t think I fully realized how encompassing the subject of ponds, watergardens, and waterfalls is. For me personally; ponds have actually become central to how I live my life and spend my days whether it be for business, recreation, or family time. The influence that ponds have… Read more »