Having a natural pond on your property can be a tremendous asset to your property. A pond can enhance your living conditions and add beauty to your property, and a healthy pond can add value to your real estate….a healthy pond that is. One of the very basic elements of a healthy pond is a… Read more »
Pond…Gravel, those two words used together can make some peoples hair bristle and teeth grind. Gravel use in constructed ponds is hotly debated with lots of passion behind each side’s opinion. Gravel is certainly an aesthetic choice, but it is also a filtration choice. Gravel filtration is not a new concept although many treat gravel… Read more »
Another pond renovation project under our belt. I believe I am one of the few who can genuinely say that they love what they do. Working in the pond industry, like any other type of job, has its good days and bad days,
When I was a kid my mom had this horizontal cylindrical vacuum cleaner that could easily suck up a roll of quarters, this thing was strong! I, of course, found creative ways to utilize this amazing machine in many ways other than floor vacuuming.
I was told recently while in a conversation with another koi pond keeper that my koi pond is not a real koi pond. Now before I get to how this comment came about, let me lay out some indisputable FACTS.
Pond digging! That seems to be what most call this activity. I call it pond excavation, and as a professional pond excavator that seems to sound so much better to me. At some point every pond builder has heard, and will hear again, the suggestion from a potential customer, usually while in the negotiating process;… Read more »