Let’s jump into the subject of frogs in the backyard water garden pond. Many pond owners will find themselves hosting a frog or more that has somehow found its way into your pond.
Let’s jump into the subject of frogs in the backyard water garden pond. Many pond owners will find themselves hosting a frog or more that has somehow found its way into your pond.
It seems these days we have a syndrome syndrome going on. There is this kind of syndrome, and then there is that kind of syndrome. New syndromes are being created and classified on an ongoing basis. The good news is as they create these new syndromes there is a cure for the syndrome in a… Read more »
The common goldfish has been a staple of modern fish keeping drawing countless thousands perhaps millions into the hobby, and why not, with their bright colors and engaging demeanor they easily capture the hearts of fish keepers. When most fish keepers make that decision to keep classic goldfish they may not be aware of the… Read more »
It was a literally a zoo in Chicago on August 22, 2013. It was the Lincoln Park Zoo actually, where scores of pond industry professionals came together to install, create, and renovate several water features around the zoo. This incredible project was the kick off to the pond industry’s largest annual event, Pondemonium; hosted by… Read more »
Oh water lettuce. You innocent unassuming looking little plant. Walk into any water garden supplier and ask for an easy to keep, good for beginners aquatic plant. You will likely have water lettuce suggested to you. Water lettuce is available at just about every aquatic plant vendor out there, and you can even get… Read more »
Throughout history certain colors and color combinations have become a part of the fabric of humanity. The most basic colors of humanity would be red, white, and black; these are the colors that are most accessible to us since they come right from nature. Even the earliest cave paintings were made using the combinations of… Read more »
Take a listen to a fun and really informative water garden and pond show that is broadcast over PetLifeRadio.com The Prince of Ponds radio show hosted by Ken Jones focuses on all things water garden and pond related. Mike Gannon, the Pond Hunter, is his guest for this 1/2 hour podcast.
New Jersey business owner Mike Gannon has been designing and installing beautiful ponds and water gardens around the Garden State since 1995. Mike’s company, Full Service Aquatics, specializes in koi ponds, water gardens, and every type of water feature large and small. This year Mike Gannon was recognized as the Aquascape Inc “Businessman of the… Read more »
Navy Pier has been an important Chicago landmark for close to 100 years. Located along the shores of Lake Michigan, projecting 3300 feet out into the great lake; Navy Pier is Chicago’s top tourist attraction. This year Navy Pier also served as the starting point for the watergarden and pond industry’s biggest event PONDEMONIUM!
Just when I thought everything was cool with the pond… The activity levels of the Great Blue Herons in my area had slowed down. I went ahead and took off the netting that I keep on my pond while the herons are in heavy stalking mode. I unplugged the talk radio station I play by… Read more »