Many ornamental and natural pond owners will at some point look to add some sort of critter to their pond for some added interest or for another reason like algae and aquatic weed control. One of the options that they are sure to see out in the pond market would be crayfish. Crayfish for your… Read more »
The lotus flower, Nelumbo nucifera. The relationships that are sometimes developed between man and plant can be very fascinating. This definitely holds true for the lotus flower. The lotus flower and human connection goes back well beyond 1000 years, and crosses numerous cultural and geographical boundaries even from ancient times. The lotus is even revered… Read more »
Bakki shower filtration is a fairly new approach to pond filtration here in the United States, yet it has enjoyed some popularity in Japan and the UK for some time now. Bakki showers would seem comparable, in concept, to the familiar “trickle” type filters that are well known in the pond and aquarium industry; but… Read more »
In the month of February there are not too many people thinking about ponds and water gardens. It is cold, weather is nasty, and the ground has not been seen for a month now. Pond and water garden professionals are huddled around their stoves with blankets draped across their backs impatiently waiting on Spring.
The Golden Orfe, or Ide, is a somewhat overlooked choice as a fish to stock your pond and water garden with these days; yet the Orfe is an easy to find and affordable pond and water garden fish. Most pond fish dealers stock the Golden Orfe because they know about its hardiness, interesting behavior, and… Read more »
So you’ve always wanted to tell people that you have a shark pond. The goldfish pond was too tame and the koi pond doesn’t feel edgy enough for you right? Now here is a way around that dilemma, without you having to build a 150,000 gallon saltwater heated backyard pond. The Chinese Hi Fin Banded… Read more »
In 2006 I went to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts to build a pond for my brother. Since we were little kids my brothers and I had always kept pets as a shared (or not so shared) hobby. We kept fish, frogs, turtles, salamanders and all sorts of other aquatic and terrestrial animals. Most of the time… Read more »
Snapping turtle. A few years ago as I was making my rounds driving from one pond customer to another I was merging onto a busy highway from one of the local roads in my area. As I was coming up the on ramp to the highway I was stopped in my tracks but a huge… Read more »
Got heron issues? It’s OK we can talk about it. You’re not alone. Many pond owners at some point or another will deal with some sort of predator, heron or otherwise, that haunts their pond. Being prepared with some know-how when it comes to deal with them is something all pond owners should strive for.
Many who keep koi follow a similar path. Most first become introduced to koi by chance, casually; perhaps at a backyard party of an acquaintance or at a public garden. Then, knowing nothing about koi except that they stirred you somehow; a relationship begins.