Spitters and fountains are ancient ways of artistic expression using water. The Romans are very famous for the use of fountains and spitters in their water works. The “Brussels Boy ‘spitter’” of a young boy urinating is a cultural icon, now found gracing ponds around the world. Today spitters are still a great way to… Read more »
Got heron issues? It’s OK we can talk about it. You’re not alone. Many pond owners at some point or another will deal with some sort of predator, heron or otherwise, that haunts their pond. Being prepared with some know-how when it comes to deal with them is something all pond owners should strive for.
LOOK! Up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a pla… no, actually it is a bird! About the size of a plane! The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) is North America’s largest heron coming in at about 4 ½ feet tall, 8 lbs., and with a wing span close to 7’ across! This is… Read more »
How to quarantine your pond fish is a common question koi keepers ask. For 40 days and nights it rained upon the earth clearing evil from the face of the earth Moses spent 40 days and nights on Mount Sinai receiving God Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years Jesus spent 40 days in the… Read more »
Many who keep koi follow a similar path. Most first become introduced to koi by chance, casually; perhaps at a backyard party of an acquaintance or at a public garden. Then, knowing nothing about koi except that they stirred you somehow; a relationship begins.
Barley Straw the newest old time remedy for algae control in modern ponds and water gardens! Barley straw has gotten some good buzz in the pond industry the last few years as a natural remedy for algae control, but this “new” product actually has some history behind it,
Triploid grass carp, Diploid grass carp, white amur….not very alluring names for a fish that one may want to stock their natural pond with. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) are not really the greatest looking fish to keep in your pond and on top of that they are certainly not easy to acquire, and would probably… Read more »
The water gardening season always seems to pass by a little too quickly. It seems that just as the water garden is looking at its fullest and best the autumn and winter are lurking just around the next calendar page.
For water gardeners in the colder regions, the hot summer months are high time to get the most enjoyment out of our water gardens. For water gardeners of the colder regions to enjoy the classic water lily with its floating leaves and colorful fragrant blooms; they have to keep hardy lilies that will make it… Read more »
Why is my pond water sooo clear when it starts getting cold out? I hear this question every year as the temperatures being to fall and the pond season in the northeast starts to come to an end. It is a good question too.