Let’s jump into the subject of frogs in the backyard water garden pond. Many pond owners will find themselves hosting a frog or more that has somehow found its way into your pond.
Let’s jump into the subject of frogs in the backyard water garden pond. Many pond owners will find themselves hosting a frog or more that has somehow found its way into your pond.
Self improvement is a higher pursuit and always something to strive for, but getting better together, is so much more effective. An entire tribe of pond professionals seeking self improvement, came to the Q Center in St. Charles Ill, from around the world, to help each other improve together. Aquascape Inc’s event Pondemonium 2015, the… Read more »
Kohaku Pronounced: ko – ha – koo A Japanese word that can be defined as meaning red (ko) and white (haku), or it can mean amber the color as well as the gemstone, Kohaku can be a Japanese boy or girls name; it is also a variety of koi fish. Let’s talk about the koi…
So you are planning to build and install a pond in New Jersey? That is exciting news, you are in for many wonderful experiences and adventures with a new pond installation. Here are some things you need to know about building a pond in New Jersey. Building a pond, a successful pond, can be a… Read more »
Check out Episode 6 of the Pond Hunter Radio Broadcast on pond building secrets from the pros. Mike Gannon is the host of the Pond Hunter Radio Broadcast, and is joined by award winning pond designer Chris Siewing from Natures Recreations. Mike and Chris will discuss best practices for creating a beautiful functional pond.
A guy walks into a room… No this is not a joke… A guy walks into a room filled with people. What you just read a fraction of a second ago has already filled your head with potential stories as to what could be happening from that very simple statement. A guy walks into a… Read more »
Kicking off under October’s full Hunter’s Moon, a virtual tribe of pond professionals gathered for Shindemonium 2014 which took place October 8-10 in the Maryland countryside; with 3 perfect days of Autumn weather. Also an amazing 3 days of networking and learning for pond professionals and business owners. Hosted by Premier Ponds and Turf Equipment,… Read more »
Koi ponds are a fascinating topic, often times highly and hotly debated. There is so much to know and learn! Check out this episode 4 of The POND HUNTER Radio Broadcast to learn everything you always wanted to know about koi! There’s a lot of information out there on koi some good, some bad! We… Read more »
It seems these days we have a syndrome syndrome going on. There is this kind of syndrome, and then there is that kind of syndrome. New syndromes are being created and classified on an ongoing basis. The good news is as they create these new syndromes there is a cure for the syndrome in a… Read more »
“It might seem crazy what I’m bout to say”, but often times when people hear that “everything is changing” it brings a certain level of unhappiness. But, when your plan is to “Reach For The Stars” and everything is changing because of that plan, well then, that can make you happy; that can make you… Read more »