As an owner of 2 seasonal businesses I do not get a lot of time off, so family time to me is pretty important and I take it where I can get it. I even look at house cleaning as a family time opportunity; and based on the faces of my 2 girls when it… Read more »
Another pond renovation project under our belt. I believe I am one of the few who can genuinely say that they love what they do. Working in the pond industry, like any other type of job, has its good days and bad days,
I always felt that raccoons got an unfair bad rap when it comes to ponds. Prior to any pond installation I always have a consultation with my customers and we talk about the “facts of life” when it comes to owning a pond.
When I was a kid my mom had this horizontal cylindrical vacuum cleaner that could easily suck up a roll of quarters, this thing was strong! I, of course, found creative ways to utilize this amazing machine in many ways other than floor vacuuming.
Bogs, the image of a bog can sometimes conjure up somewhat swampy unpleasant scenes, think “Creature From The Black Lagoon”. Bog has never been a particularly nice word and in our language