How do I de-ice my koi pond? Many koi pond keepers and water gardeners have to deal with some pretty extreme weather conditions. The cold weather represents some very particular challenges. Full Service Aquatics receives many questions this time of year on how to deal with particular issues. Here is a question that came in… Read more »
QUESTION: Hey Mike, is it ok to add new koi to the pond in the fall? ANSWER: Hey, thanks for reaching out! Great question. There are some benefits and some negatives to your question. One of the great things about getting new koi in the Fall is that you can find some great pricing on… Read more »
Koi ponds are a fascinating topic, often times highly and hotly debated. There is so much to know and learn! Check out this episode 4 of The POND HUNTER Radio Broadcast to learn everything you always wanted to know about koi! There’s a lot of information out there on koi some good, some bad! We… Read more »
THE BIG QUESTION: What happens to koi and goldfish during the winter months? This is a common question and concern that many pond keepers have. Warm weather is obviously the best time to enjoy koi and goldfish keeping. During this time koi and goldfish are active, lively, and highly visible. Many koi and goldfish become… Read more »