Many New Jerseyans were effected by the ravages of Hurricane Sandra. Damages done to home and property were extreme. Many landscape features such as ponds, water gardens, waterfalls and fountains have been severely damaged or destroyed. If you need pond repair, renovation, restoration, or replacement quotes and estimates due to Hurricane Sandra; Full Service Aquatics will be offering FREE estimates for victims of Hurricane Sandra.
If you are a New Jersey pond or water feature owner and are in need of general clean up we are available to restore your pond or water feature to its original beauty. This is a tough time for all New Jerseyans and Full Service Aquatics it doing it part ot help bring our lives back to normal. Please call or email at 908-277-6000 or mgannon@fullserviceaquatics.com
All of us at Full Service Aquatics hope a speedy recovery for all of those affected by Hurricane Sandra. Our best wishes and prayers are with you all.
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