“How old do koi need to be to spawn?” is a pretty common question among fish keepers. Its a good question too. Check this recent Q and A sent in by a reader of the LOVEYOURPOND blog. QUESTION: Hello I have 3 koi fish that are about a year old, and
“How old do koi need to be to spawn?” is a pretty common question among fish keepers. Its a good question too. Check this recent Q and A sent in by a reader of the LOVEYOURPOND blog. QUESTION: Hello I have 3 koi fish that are about a year old, and
Hey pond keepers, I get lots of great questions from friends and customers about ponds and fish keeping. Alot of these questions deal with how we feed our fish. I want to share with you a good question that came in to me. Check it…
Every season Full Service Aquatics handles lots of koi pond water garden projects. Our latest koi pond water garden project in Princeton, NJ took place in January which is an unusual time of year for these projects in New Jersey, but with a rare stretch of warm weather during this time the FSA team took… Read more »