As most people do in their work lives; I attend seminars, workshops, trade shows and other industry related events when I can. I recently had the occasion to hit an industry event being held by Greg Wittstock “The Pond Guy”. Greg was hosting the “Succeeding and Prospering with Water Features” seminar on national tour.
If there is one who is qualified to lead such a seminar Greg Wittstock is the guy, THE guy. Greg Wittstock is the owner/founder of Aquascape Inc. one of the largest pond product suppliers and innovators in the United States and the world. His corporate headquarters in called AQUALAND, it’s located on Aqualand Way, in the town of St. Charles, Ill which is the “Water Garden Capital of the World”. He holds an annual event called “Pondemonium” for pond people from all over the country; do I really need to go on? This “pond guy” is top notch qualified.
I have seen Greg Wittstock speak on many occasions over the last decade, I have worked on projects with him, I have been fortunate to visit his home and see his little pond too, which aint so little. Pretty much anytime I can get access to Wittstock I will. Which brings me to his seminar…
Wittstock is a dynamic speaker blending a mix of personal testimonial, anecdotes, motivational rah rah, and some very strong no nonsense business advice. Greg can be funny but he is very serious about what he does and has a sincere passion for helping others and seeing them succeed in the pond industry. He’s honest about his successes, failures, and shares openly the state of his business without sugar coating facts even if they are not so sweet. He fields questions, engages his audience with candid answers, and asks tough questions of his audience to provoke action and thought.
As a presenter Wittstock lays out a well organized format for the seminar covering sales, marketing, administration, strategies, and resources for the pond professional. He makes his points clear and easy to follow. His business action recommendations for pond professionals are realistic and can be implemented by small or large companies. He challenges his audience to better their businesses and themselves by recommending smart business practices, but also he keeps an emphasis on balance and taking care of personal life too; family first type of approach. Greg makes himself available to pond professionals directly, you can actually call Greg and he answers his phone to talk to you, he is not buried behind buffers to keep away from his public.
For any pond professional who is looking to better their business, start their business, or just feeling like they need a good motivational kick in the butt I have to highly recommend the “Succeeding and Prospering with Water Features” seminar and finding a way to see Greg Wittstock present. Whether it’s a seminar or the full blown Pondemonium event the pond professional will walk away with a head full of ideas and a burning motivation to take their business to a higher level, or at least have the opportunity to enjoy an energetic and fun speaker who might just leave you clapping!
To find out where you can catch Greg Wittstock “The Pond Guy” go to www.aquascapeinc.com for his schedule of events, as The Pond Guy says “carpe manana baby”
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