Two men cleaning a pond.

Many New Jersey pond owners are wondering what to do for a koi pond or water garden during Spring, around this time of Winter. As grey Winter days lengthen and brighten with most of the cold solidly behind us, New Jersey pond keepers start thinking toward Spring. It starts to become easy to visualize our frozen snowy ponds popping to life with colorful koi swirling below the clear water, bursts of colorful blooms all around the pond, and the tranquil sound of the waterfall cascading into the pond again, distorting the reflections of our backyards on the surface of the pond.

Ponds, like so many things during Spring time, become a priority in preparing for the outdoor living season. Koi ponds and water gardens, are always the centerpiece of every landscape design, so it is important to have them looking good and ready for another year. So what are some of the things that should be done for a koi pond water garden during Spring?

This question is answered by Mike Gannon, a New Jersey based pond professional and owner of Full Service Aquatics (www.fullserviceaquatics.com). Full Service Aquatics offers a variety of professional pond cleaning, maintenance and repair services for New Jersey pond keepers.

Mike says:

“There are 3 things that every New Jersey pond owner should be doing during the Spring time to make sure that they will have a good start to the pond season. First, a thorough cleaning of the pond’s filters and pumps needs to be done. Be sure that filters and pumps are clean and clear of debris and sludge when preparing your pond for the new season. Second, remove all debris from the interior of the pond and water ways. Use a good net and brush to remove excess leaf debris and algae build up. Third, perform a good water change, 25% or more of a water change should be done during Spring; and be sure to condition the water too to remove chlorine and other chemicals that may hurt koi and goldfish.”

Mike also said:

“Alot of pond keepers may choose to have their ponds professionally serviced. Local pond professionals are happy to work with pond owners. Just Google “Pond Services New Jersey” When professional services are performed the filtration systems and pumping systems get a complete and thorough servicing along with debris and algae removal. Additionally most professional pond services will also include a pressure washing of the pond interior, fertilizing and pruning of aquatic plants, replacing loose or fallen stones, a fish health check up, full spectrum water treatments, and most importantly to pond owners; a professional pond cleanout service will give them a day or two off from mucking around in their pond!”

When Spring time hits in New Jersey, having a day off is a big commodity! A professional pond cleaning service might be just the thing but for the DIY’er the 3 easy steps will get your pond into good shape and the outdoor living season that much closer to reality. Enjoy the pond keeping experience in 2017 and share it with family and friends.

Want to see how the pond professionals clean a pond? Check out this video link:

New Jersey pond keepers can reach Mike Gannon and Full Service Aquatics at 908.277.6000

Call today for pond design, installation, renovation, maintenance, leak repair, emergency issues.


carl bellero

I have an 80 ft pond on my property with frogs and some koi a great blue heron cleaned house last month. Tried everything to stop it but nothing worked, found a product that has kept the bird away for three days so I am keeping watch and if successful for a week I will report back. As we all know these are very persistent characters , and I hope this works.

Mike Gannon

Good luck Carl. Can you share the product you are using? Thanks. Mike


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