Koi ponds are a fascinating topic, often times highly and hotly debated. There is so much to know and learn!
Check out this episode 4 of The POND HUNTER Radio Broadcast to learn everything you always wanted to know about koi! There’s a lot of information out there on koi some good, some bad! We will be setting some things straight on this episode from selecting and choosing koi, to tips on seasonal and long term koi care. Learn some koi history, koi facts, and let’s but some koi myths! Mike Gannon is your host and will be joined by Barbara Johnson, owner of The Fish Lady pond services from Van Nuys, CA. Barbara is a long time koi expert and pond professional, tune in to hear her tips and insights on koi keeping.
If you are “In The Pursuit Of All Things Aquatic”, you can check out The Pond Hunter Radio Broadcast live on Wednesdays at 8pm EST, or listen anytime at www.blogtalkradio.com/thepondhunter.
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