We all love koi ponds, water gardens, water features, and all things aquatic right? We are all pretty much aquatically obsessed! If you have found yourself “In The Pursuit Of All Things Aquatic”, then you gonna love this!
Get ready to tune into an online streaming radio show created just for you and all who are aquatically obsessed!
The Pond Hunter Radio broadcast, hosted by Mike Gannon, will be riding the air waves of BlogTalk Radio and splashing down on the “Under The Sea Radio Show” starting on March 12, 2014! Finally a radio show for pond keepers, water gardeners, koi kichi, pondaholics, and the aquatically obsessed. Come spend an hour with The Pond Hunter LIVE every other Wednesday, or listen in anytime with streaming internet radio while you do your thing!
Hobbyists, professionals, and the aquatically obsessed will have a great time with the radio show which will cover everything and anything pond and water garden related. Listeners will be able to call in “live” during the show, or follow along on Facebook and send us messages. We will talk and answer questions about pond fish like koi, goldfish, catfish, and the many critters that we enjoy in our pond. We’ll discuss aquatic plants and water gardening techniques from container water garden to large scale operations. The Pond Hunter will be talking to the industries top professionals, designers, growers, breeders, and hobbyists who will share their best advice and secrets with our listeners.
The POND HUNTER! “In The Pursuit Of All Things Aquatic” can be heard Wednesday evenings at 8pm on the “Under The Sea Radio Show”, hosted by BlogTalk Radio. Please join us “live” for some great talk, discussions, and lively debates about everything in the pond and water garden world. Don’t miss it! And hey, if you can’t listen in live then download any of the shows to listen to at your convenience!
We look forward to hearing from you ALL, and making this show a great resource of information for koi pond keepers, water gardeners, and the aquatically obsessed. To call in during show times the number is 949-534-0637, or go to www.blogtalkradio.com/wm-aquaculture@gmail. If you’d like to be a guest on the Pond Hunter radio broadcast give Mike a call at 908-277-6000.
Thanks and hope to see you all ON THE AIR! Keep it Pondy
-Mike Gannon
So cool! Can’t wait to tune in! Going to promote this on the Aquascape Facebook page. 🙂
Hey Jen! Thanks so much, as always! I hope that maybe you will come on one of the shows sometime!! -Mike
Awesome. I look forward to checking this out. Will back episodes be made available if anyone should miss an episode?
Ha! I must have missed it the first time. I just re-read the post and it even says so right there- “And hey, if you can’t listen in live then download any of the shows to listen to at your convenience!”
Very cool!
Thanks Troy! I hope you check them out! -Mike