Leaky pond issues seem pretty common during Autumn and times of heavy leaf fall. The leaves might be causing the water loss. Many pond and water feature owners in New Jersey and other areas of the world that experience the Autumn season will experience water loss from their pond during the Fall. Don’t panic, but be sure to react quickly.
There are always seasonal issues to deal with for pond keepers who experience Autumn and the change of seasons.
New Jersey pond professionals will spend time each Autumn handling calls from concerned koi pond water garden keepers, and water feature owners regarding sudden water loss and leaky pond issues. Many water features such as waterfalls, fountains, and streams will be affected by leaf accumulation causing “leaf jams” which can redirect the flow of water to outside of the desired course of flow. These leaf jams will affect the performance of many water features due to the leaks they cause. These leaf jams can often cause huge water loss very quickly.
The loss of water from any type of system whether it is a koi pond, water garden, pondless waterfall, fountain, stream feature, or whatever shape your water takes; can cause some big problems. Leak issues and water loss need to be dealt with quickly and may require the services of a pond and water feature professional. Water loss can cause very expensive equipment damage, landscape damage to your landscape and neighbors, and heartbreaking fish loss.
Autumn leaks in your New Jersey koi pond water garden will often follow a storm or windy day when alot of leaf loss occurs. Ponds that have waterfall displays and streams are more likely to be affected. If you see that your pond has water loss take a look around the pond paying particular attention to the waterfall area to see if leaves are jamming up to the point of redirecting the water flow out of the stream or waterfall; perhaps splashing out by falling on piled leaf debris.
Many pond professionals will offer services that prepare your koi pond, water garden, and/or water feature for the big impact that leaves falling can create. Contact your local pond professional to learn more about these type of services. A professional service for your pond will keep the leaves out and greatly reduce the possibility of leak issues and other leaf accumulation problems with your koi pond or water garden.
Local pond professionals will also be familiar with finding and correcting Autumn water loss and leaky ponds due to leaves falling. Pond professionals will know how to deal with local conditions and will offer a fast proficient service that will keep the New Jersey pond keepers from the much more expensive problems that often accompany water loss.
Autumn leak issues with your pond don’t have to be a big problem. Know what to look for and know what to do. Get to know your local pond professional, they can be an invaluable resource for you and your pond.
Keep it pondy –Mike
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