It’s closing in on the spring season, which means all of our Koi Pond people will have to get ready to open their pond up and do some spring cleaning. It has been a long winter of cold days and some bad weather, but the end is in sight.
Here are some tips on opening your Koi Pond in the spring:
Cleaning the Pond
Winter weather and stormy weather brings plenty of debris to your pond. You’ll need to clean out all of the debris that has fallen into the pond. You want to make sure the water is clean after a long winter season. There are tools out there for cleaning out your pond efficiently. Investing in a pond vacuum is very beneficial.
Checking Fish Health
Make sure your Koi fish have no ulcers or white/cloudy patches of skin or eyes. It’s important to not remove your fish and put them into a smaller area. They’re immune systems are low, so they’ll need some time to adjust if you need to give them medicated food. Once the temperature rises to 68, they’ll be better off. Overfeeding and feeding too early in the season is also a bad idea.
Make Sure Mechanics are Working
Checking all of the properties and mechanics of your pond is important. Make sure everything is working properly, so that when you open up the pond, the fish will stay healthy, and you won’t have to worry about any problems with water flow or other issues.
Add Some New Vegetation
Adding new floating plants is necessary for a healthy pond when the weather warms up. It will make your pond look and feel much nicer, and your fish will love it!
At Full Service Aquatics, we’re excited for the spring season to come, and we look forward to helping out all of our koi pond customers. If you’re in need of some koi pond maintenance, installation, or other pond services, contact Full Service Aquatics at 908-277-6000 today or visit us online for more information!
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