Beautification Programs
The aesthetic quality of your pond or lake can make a major impact. Shoreline plantings, landscape plantings, and aquatic plantings or installation of rock work, can improve your landscape quality and increase real estate value. An overgrown or unkempt pond or lake will drag down real estate value and desirability.
Water Quality Improvement
Is your pond or lake safe to swim in or fish from? Does your water look healthy and smell fresh? Full Service Aquatics offers filtration and aeration systems for lakes ponds and lakes that will greatly improve and maintain excellent water quality for your pond or lake.
Weed and Algae Control
The challenges of controlling undesirable plants and weeds in your lake or pond can be a full time job. The decision of how to get control can be daunting. Chemical treatments can be ongoing and costly. Let the pond professionals of FSA diagnose and recommend a course of action to work with nature in the control of undesirable algae infestations and aquatic weed overgrowth with long term results.
Dredging Services
Is your pond or lake filling in? Are you losing your water depth or pond size more and more with each passing year? FSA handles or partners with dredging professionals for numerous projects that enlarge and deepen your pond or lake. The latest technology of hydraulic dredging is available through FSA. Hydraulic dredging techniques allow water to stay in the pond and keep your pond’s ecosystem intact without loss of desirable species. Call today to book hydraulic dredging services time slots fill fast!
Was your pond of lake once beautiful? Was your pond or lake the jewel of your property and now it is the flaw? Full Service Aquatic pond restoration services can bring your pond back to its original beauty. You loved your pond once, love it again. Call FSA today at 908 277 6000.
Fish Stocking
Choosing the right fish for your pond is hard enough, but what about proper stocking techniques, have you thought about that? Whether your fish are Japanese Koi or large mouth bass FSA will give you the guidance you need to ensure a successful fish pond experience.
Design and Installation
Do you have that perfect spot on your personal property, golf course, or commercial/municipal center for water? A large scale pond or lake installation should be handled by professionals for professional results. Let FSA make your pond look like it was placed there by Mother Nature herself. Add stream, waterfalls, pooling areas; let your imagination run wild.
Full Service Aquatics natural pond and lake management for any type of naturalized pond or lake:
- Estate pond
- Farm pond
- Golf Course pond
- Municipal pond
- Koi pond
- Recreational pond
- Swimming pond
FSA provides a variety of services for ponds and lakes.